Monday, May 21, 2012

Emma's glasses

This is a story for kids hope they enjoy
       One morning,Emma ran down her stairs.She grabbed her bright yellow jacket,blue shiny purse and her yellow sunglasses.Emma was ready to go out.
        Emma jumped on her bike and rode faster than a spider monkey on a sugar high.She took out her grocery list, and read it out loud.
        "OK i have to buy one gallon of milk,a dozen eggs and a chunk of bread."
         When Emma reached Walmart She parked her bike against a brick wall and darted inside.
          Emma went straight to the milk section pushing a heavy cart. She dropped the milk into the cart and strolled to the eggs section.
She carried a dozen eggs and put it in the cart.She afterwards went to the wheat section and hugged a chunk of bread.
         After Emma's shopping trip was over she made sure she had everything.
        MILK check
        BREAD check
        EGGS check
        PURSE check
        JACKET check
        SUNGLASSES uh uh um ...NOT CHECK !!!!
        Emma didn't know what to do. She rummaged through her things.Looked through every part of the store.Under carts,in trash cans, even in bathrooms,(even the boys bathroom)
        Emma had no where else to look until she had to give up and head home.Emma rode on her bike slower than a starving snail in the middle of the desert.
        Emma looked up at the stars and felt as if she had done something awful .She went inside with a thousand bricks fallen on her back. Emma pushed herself on her couch.She  drank a glass of warm milk while watching her favorite show Spongebob Squarepants.Suddenly a gust of wind skipped her and she felt chilly.So Emma zipped up her jacket and put on her hood.
      She felt something fall on her lap it was

                                               !!HER SUNGLASSES!! 


Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

who is there when you are hurt
who is there when you need advice
who is there when you are in stress
who is there when you need confidence
when you need inspiration
when you need to be encouraged
who is there when you are in pain
who is there when you are in trouble
cherish every time she is there for you because
there will be a time when she can't help you anymore
Give her a day of her own.
Happy Mothers Day.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A German Story

Das Mädchen ist shön . Sie ist zenh Sie hat lange haare. Sie heisst Michelle. Michelle wonht in eine gross haus in berlin .
Michelle geht zu der bank.sie nimmt 100.000 euro.
Michelle sieht der dieb.Der dieb nimmt Michelle geld! Oh nein! Aber, Michelle ist intelligent .Sie macht eine foto.Michelle seiht der foto.
Das dieb hat klien brille.Das dieb hat bleu augyen.Das dieb hat kruzt haare.
Michelle sagt ,pöliztist, pöliztist !"
Das pöliztist  geht nach Michelle schnell.Michelle gibt das foto zu pöliztist.Das pöliztist ist guckliht.
Das dieb geht zu New Jersey.Das Michelle und poliztist geht nach New Jersey ouch.
Das dieb wohnt in eine klein haus, und er hat das geld.
Das pöliztist geht ihem das haus.
Das dieb sagt,Oh nein!" und er rennt schnell.
Das pöliztist sagt ,Halt!"und das dieb halt.
Das dieb gibt das geld zu Michelle,und Michelle laht.Das dieb ist nicht fröh.Aber Michelle ist fröh, unddas poliztist ist fröh.Das dieb weint.
                                           Das Ende

[ This is the story of a 10 year old Intelligent Girl,who casually goes to the Bank unaware of a thief. This thief makes an appearance and steals her 100,000 Euro.The story goes on to show, how she deals with the thief and gets her cash back !